Thursday, January 22, 2009

Above are the links to three pictures, one of each of the respective following artists: Boris Artzybasheff, J.C. Leyendecker, and Brad Holland.  These three illustrators attracted my interest for individual reasons.  Artzybasheff's work is surrealist and inventive in a way that peaks my creative interest.  Leyendecker's work is regal and striking and often uses bold color and has a detailed finished look that captivates the viewer and brings the subject matter to an almost god-like perfection.  Holland's work is almost comical in its surreal quality and imaginative patch-working of ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed- great examples here! Artzybasheff often used his work to make pointed political statements- they speak volumes. Leyendecker developed painting methods that people are still trying to figure out (and haven't). Holland had a hand in bringing about a shift to more conceptual work in print in the field of illustration. Good references- keep exploring!
